Android Application Development Company Ahmedabad | Gujarat
Choosing the Right Platform to Develop for
The best approach to mobile application development is creating both iOS and Android apps from the scratch to reach the largest user base. However, this is not always possible for a number of reasons including budget, time and resource constraints. These limitations imply that companies require choosing a single platform for development. The problem is that there are many variables in the Android vs. iOS development issue. For certain companies, android may be the right choice while it is iOS for others. The question that arises here is that how you choose the right platform to start with.
This post is intended to provide some useful guidance with this decision.
The Application Marketplace
Today, 37% of mobile development companies target Android as well as iOS. The larger portion chooses one over the other. However, there is no clear idea on which platform is easy. Considering the volume, Android has large user base but this does not mean you get the right users according to your business and objectives.
Android is a clear winner in application downloads when considering the global market. Though iOS occupies a small share in the market, as a group, iOS users show higher engagement rates and spend more money. iOS apps make more money than android.

Development Cycle
It is not exactly true that it takes longer to develop an android app. There are over 24,000 devices with varying screen sizes and OS versions for Android. But as Apple makes all the required software and hardware, there is very little developers have to worry about. Android application development company actually has to employ a short and easy development cycle for the app. It also depends on the OS versions and devices targeted. Testing on all the targeted devices and systems makes things complex. With less devices to test on, iOS development cycle becomes easy and quick.
Cost of Development
The scope and complexity of a project defines the cost of development. The more complex and larger a project, the more it is going to cost. There is nothing specific to iOS or Android that makes one more expensive over the other. A best graphic development company can handle your development job to minimize cost and make things easier.
Release and Approval
In this case, Android is the winner. For iOS, the process of release and approval is somewhere between 2 to 3 weeks. Moreover, updates to applications require approval as well. Android apps, on the other hand, take one or two days to get approval and updates can be executed in hours.
The Decision
The decision to build app for specific platform ultimately depends on what works for your business. You can consider:
Type of app you are developing
User demographics
Project budget and time